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Welcome to American Indian Magnet School

Teaching rooted in American Indian culture, traditions, values, history and art.

girls in school cafeteria
Newly Renovated Building

Our new renovation highlights the beauty and power of our school community.

student wearing headphones smiling in school cafeteria
PreK-8 Education

American Indian Magnet School serves students in grades PreK-8, with many special events throughout the year.

What’s New

Welcome to AIMS

Three students eating lunch

Our school was created from the vision of elders and community members. Their goal was to provide an American Indian perspective and to welcome students of all backgrounds to a diverse school community. Our teaching approach is rooted in American Indian culture, traditions, values, history, and art.

Our school was created from the vision of elders and community members. Their goal was to provide an American Indian perspective and to welcome students of all backgrounds to a diverse school community. Our teaching approach is rooted in American Indian culture, traditions, values, history, and art.

We have teachers who specialize in the Lakota/Dakota and Ojibwe language and culture, as well as physical education, science, and art. Middle school students (6-8) are required to take either the Lakota or Ojibwe language, preparing them to continue their American Indian studies at Harding Senior High.

Our school encourages parent and community involvement through culture fairs, drum and dance, powwows, and special events throughout the year.

Students receive additional opportunities through AVID, American Indian AVID (middle school), and many after-school opportunities, including Flipside, Indian Youth Enrichment, and athletics.

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Read More about About American Indian Magnet School
Welcome to our school

The American Indian Studies (AIS) Program is available for grades 6-8 at the American Indian Magnet School, and grades 9-12 at Harding High School.

The American Indian Studies (AIS) Program is available for grades 6-8 at the American Indian Magnet School, and grades 9-12 at Harding High School. AIS provides the opportunity for ALL students, of any and all cultures, to learn American Indian history, literature, art, and language from a Native perspective. Both Ojibwe and Lakota languages are offered. All AIS classes meet district and state content standards and have been developed as rigorous, yet culturally competent courses.

Through collaboration with the Saint Paul Indian Education Program, we offer additional support for American Indian students, including attendance and grade monitoring, college and career exploration, and social services.

Beyond Academics…

In addition to academic classes, AIS provides cultural learning opportunities for students. In recent years AIS students have attended original play productions by New Native Theater, hosted Winter Storytelling Events, competed in the State and Regional Ojibwe Quiz Bowl Competitions and Drum & Dance Competitions, and volunteered at community powwows and events.  With ample leadership opportunities, students are able to build meaningful portfolios for their college and career applications.

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American Indian Magnet School

at a glance


We are a school emphasizing an American Indian cultural perspective to provide a high-quality education for all.

Teacher in classroom with Native American artifacts
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus


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